ACE Intellect Minds

Businesses are built by People

The biggest asset in the knowledge industry is right people for the right job.

While you excel in your business we excel in tailoring the right team for your organization

What we do at our best

AIM (ACE Intellect Minds) is a placements & Training HR Consultancy for IT and IT-related industries. They have expertise in a wide range of technological areas and have demonstrated competence in fields such as Automotive, Aerospace, Semiconductor, Oil & Gas, Healthcare and E-Commerce to name a few. They have helped many big companies and also multiple startups recruit the best talent.

ACE Intellect Minds

IT Recruitment

We are idea generators, goal seekers,

challenge-thirsty professionals, creators of

unique Internet projects. We deliver


EMPLOYEE Engagement

We are idea generators, goal seekers,

challenge-thirsty professionals, creators of

unique Internet projects. We deliver


TALENT Management

We create unique websites, based on the

most up-to-date technologies.

Our team takes into consideration your

What makes us HAPPY

AIM (ACE Intellect Minds) has an 80% success rate in IT staffing in its 4 years of experience since 2020. We struggled during Covid, when we started, but never gave up. We have team of like-minded professionals who are in the fag end of their career and have achieved their goals professionally and personally, but there is something called “Passion” and that made us to come together to use our bit of knowledge and experience, though not for “selfish” reasons, but to ensure that our “AIM” is to bridge the gap between companies and passive candidates

ACE Intellect Minds

Our Clients



An American electronic design automation company headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, that focuses on silicon design and verification, silicon intellectual property and software security and quality. Synopsys supplies tools and services to the semiconductor design and manufacturing industry.



Semiconductor client is a leading EDA and Intelligent System Design provider delivering hardware, software, and IP for electronic design.



Product Client: This Product Company is a software development and technology consulting company with offices around the world and a large presence in USA, Europe, India, and China. Product Company provides Software development and Technology consulting services, that include Artificial intelligence, Enterprise resource planning, Digital commerce, Verification and validation, and Product engineering. They also offer capabilities in Augmented reality solutions.



Compuer Technology Client: Is an American multinational computer technology company that develops, sells, repairs, and supports computers and related products and services. Named after its founder, Michael Computer Products, the company is one of the largest technological corporations in the world, employing more than 165,000 people in the U.S. and around the world. It is one of the biggest P.C. manufacturing companies in the world.


At the end of the day what matters most is the clients feedback about the service.

Semiconductor client Director – Talent Acquisition

“ We just took a chance to provide them an opportunity as a vendor and since last 3 years, they have closed many critical positions for us”

Semiconductor client Manager – Talent Acquisition

We were looking for a strong SOC Architect, who need to join at the earliest due to product deadline, they provided us candidates matching 90% of our requirement and were quick joiners.

Retail Client VP – Recruitment

They don’t provide profiles in quantity; they make sure that the candidate’s aspirations and company’s recruitment goals are met and provide us quality profiles

Engineering Client General Manager – Talent Acquisition

The AIM team is highly responsive, they mean business, response is within 24 hours on any queries.